The Partnership

Development Agency of Evia SA (DAE)
Development Agency of Evia SA (DAE)
Lead Partner

The Development Agency of Evia (DAE) was established in 1996 by the Prefecture of Evia (local authority at NUTS 3 level) with the aim to rationally exploit the potential of the area through initiatives, activities and cooperation that promote Evia’s comparative advantages. The purpose of the agency is to act as scientific expert to local/regional stakeholders, in order to meet the needs of the area regarding research, study and coordination of several local development potentialities. To this direction the agency aims to: accelerate the creation of jobs; upgrade the living standards; promote regional integration and balanced development; harmonize endogenous socioeconomic imbalances; and introduce more effective local administration.

Albanian Development Fund
Albanian Development Fund

Since 1993, the Albanian Development Fund has contributed to infrastructure development, urbanization, tourism and cross-border cooperation, providing an ever-growing contribution both to the improvement of living conditions for the local communities and to the improvement of administration at local level. In accomplishing its mission, the ADF has shared the trust, cooperation and partnership with big international financial institutions like the World Bank, the Council of Europe Development Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, OPEC Fund for International Development, etc., which have contributed not only by providing their financial support but also by transmitting their best practices and experiences to ADF. In the recent years, the Government of Albania has entrusted ADF with the implementation of several important projects at national level.

Municipality of Forli (FOCO)
Municipality of Forli (FOCO)

Forlì Municipality takes care of the interest of its community promoting cultural/tourism development of its territory. It is equipped with Cultural Affairs & Galleries and Museums Service, Library Service and tourist office. Recently it has made many efforts in the field of tourism – not only with urban regeneration interventions on historically relevant buildings, such as the San Domenico Museums’ Complex and the Palazzo Romagnoli that have now turned into places of culture – but it has made many efforts in promoting the city as a “City of Art”. The Tourist promotion Office carries out programmes and actions aimed at tourist valorisation and it manages relations with the local organizations collaborating on tourist promotion and territorial marketing activities. Recent co-marketing projects: Romagna Low-Cost, a journey among wine, food and wellness presents itineraries in the Romagna region connecting Spas, Vineyards, cultural and culinary experiences.

University of Mostar (SUM)
University of Mostar (SUM)

University of Mostar is comprised of ten faculties, one academy, nine institutes, the University library, and a student center. Teaching for around 12.000 students is conducted in undergraduate, graduate, integrated, and postgraduate studies. The University develops its programs to enable students to acquire the competence, knowledge, and skills needed for the labor market. Active involvement in international TEMPUS projects has contributed to the University’s recognition. These projects have largely encouraged the introduction and improvement of certain activities such as the introduction and implementation of quality assurance in all the units of organization as well as at the University level. Currently, the University is a partner in several Erasmus + projects. The University is also a full member of the CEEPUS network that enables students and academic staff participation in exchanges with the Danube Region countries. In addition, the University of Mostar is a member of other major European and regional university associations and academic networks such as the EUA (European University Association), DRC (Danube Rectors’ Conference), UNIADRION, EUCEN, AARC and others.

Municipality of Gerace
Municipality of Gerace

The municipality of Gerace have a good experience in managing of EU project linked to the theme of the project. Gerace was been partner of Hicira project, a project supported from European programme Cultura – DG Cultura – that aimed to support the partner for building heritage interpretation centres in their historical cities. In this project the municipality was been involved in the exchange of practices about management of cultural heritage, museums, archaeological areas etc. The municipality has cooperated to carry out a publication (book), a guideline for innovative management of heritage interpretation centres. The municipality has managed a lot of projects, supported from structural funds (ESRF), with the aim to revitalize the cultural heritage in the historical city and to promote it for became more attractive for people and in particular for young people. By two projects was been realized an archaeological museum and one museum of religious art.